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American Vintage Group Profile

For most business owners, the challenges of accessing the world's markets for new and better products are both difficult and time consuming. Businessmen who have tried to buy direct from overseas manufacturers find the learning curve to be very steep and the process complicated with the ultimate cost being felt in terms of time away from the day-to-day operations. Maneuvering through the mine field of foreign product suppliers requires time, effort and expertise to ensure that proper long-term relationships are built around products that are desired and relevant to the American Consumer.

The American Vintage Group was formed with the established purpose of bringing global product opportunities of the highest overall value and design to the American market. Through the implementation of strategies that work together to effectively collapse the product supply chain, the American Vintage Group continues to employ a "Quality First" approach to fulfilling its key objective of "Redefining Quality - Worldwide".

For years, the American Vintage Group has built direct relationships with building product suppliers from around the world through careful implementation of the practices of:

  1. Product Design & Development
  2. Supply Chain Management
  3. Inventory Assurance

Following the American Vintage Source Pro model, the primary focus has been on sourcing innovative, "best-in-class" quality product solutions for today's homes. Through expertise and proper due diligence, the American Vintage Group will continue to fulfill the needs of today's business owner by bringing strategically sourced and precisely developed products of the highest quality to the US market.

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